Mexican Tuna Salad Recipe

Tuna is a protein of animal origin that is characterized by being accessible to any population, in addition to being super versatile when cooking it, because it combines with many things, and in any way we cook it, it is exquisite.

Today we present a delicious Mexican-style tuna salad, in which we will teach you how to make a simple tuna salad that, in addition to canned tuna, will have avocado, which gives it the touch of a Mexican recipe. We invite you to join us in this simple but exquisite preparation.

Ingredients to make Mexican Tuna Salad:

  • 2 cans of prickly pear in water
  • 2 pieces of red tomato
  • ½ piece of Onion
  • 1 piece of avocado
  • 2 pieces of green Chile Serrano
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Mexican Tuna Salad:

We present the ingredients that we will use in the preparation of our Mexican-style tuna salad. We start by chopping all our vegetables for the tuna salad (red tomato, onion, avocado and green chili) into small squares. We put the canned tuna on a plate, add all the chopped vegetables and integrate perfectly.

To continue with the Mexican-style tuna salad, we add a pinch of salt and pepper and incorporate everything very well.

AND READY! You can enjoy this rich Mexican-style tuna salad accompanying it with some homemade tortilla chips, croutons or toast, or if you prefer with crackers.

Tuna properties

Tuna is a blue fish that is recommended to be consumed fresh, but if not, we can also consume canned tuna in multiple salad recipes that will provide us with many benefits for our health, such as:

  • High protein content healthier than those of animal meat.
  • Rich in omega-3 fatty acids that prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • It contains many minerals such as magnesium and selenium among others.
  • The B vitamins and vitamin E stand out, which are antioxidants and improve blood circulation.

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