Mexican style fried fish recipe

In Mexico City, it is customary to prepare some simple and delicious dishes as a snack, one of them is the Mexican-style fried fish, which is a snack of fish battered in flour and fried, which has a wonderful flavor and is also very tasty. Practice in their preparation.

That is why this time we bring you this special, simple and exquisite easy recipe, which you will want to repeat over and over again as you will realize that no complicated ingredients are needed and that it is super easy to make. Prepare, this recipe will help you surprise those guests of yours at home.

Ingredients to make Mexican-style fried fish:

  • 1 cup of wheat flour (140 grams)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • ½ cup of Water (120 milliliters)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 piece of onion
  • ½ cup of Oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 6 white fish fillets

How to make Mexican Style Fried Fish:

  1. In the following image we present the ingredients that we will need to prepare our delicious fried fish.
  2. We are going to start our recipe for Mexican-style fried fish by sifting the flour over a deep bowl with the help of a strainer, gradually adding the flour into the strainer and tapping so that the flour reaches the container.
  3. Then we do the same with the baking powder, with the help of the same strainer we sift the baking powder and with the help of a balloon we make circular movements so that it is perfectly integrated into the flour.
  4. Now we form a fountain in the center of the flour and the baking powder that we sift, then we add the water.
  5. And with the help of the balloon we begin to beat to integrate all the ingredients, until obtaining a consistency like that of the dough for hot cakes. Once the dough is ready to coat the fried fish, we let this mixture rest for 30 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile we take the fish fillets and cut them into strips
  7. On the other hand, place the oil in a frying pan over medium heat, let it heat up for a moment and add the garlic and onion so that they are fried and the oil is flavored with the flavor of these ingredients. Once golden, we remove them from the hot oil to prevent them from burning.
  8. Once the flour mixture for the Mexican-style fried fish is ready, we take the fish fajitas and introduce them into the mixture, ensuring that the fish is perfectly covered.
  9. We take each one of the fajitas and introduce them into the hot oil so that they are fried very; very well, we constantly change sides to prevent them from burning.
  10. Once the little fish is fried, place it on absorbent paper to remove any excess fat it may have.
  11. AND READY! We can now enjoy this incredible snack, it is delicious. You can accompany these fried fish with a little mayonnaise and lemon dressing, they are perfect.

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