Mexican Sopecitos Recipe

In Mexico there is a wide variety of dishes called “Mexican snacks”, which in their preparation include typical Mexican ingredients such as corn dough, common for the preparation of irreplaceable corn tortillas , beans in all their varieties, lettuce, cheese, sauces of all flavors and colors, chicken since it is one of the most accessible proteins, and many others.

This time we will teach you how to prepare sopecitos, based on a Mexican recipe, but of course you have all the freedom to give it your characteristic touch if you prefer, since the base of the preparation is the same but the ingredients companions may vary.

We invite you to join us in this fun preparation of Mexican sopecitos, since it is delicious and very simple.

Ingredients to make Mexican Sopecitos:

For the dumplings:

  • 1 kilogram of corn dough for tortillas
  • 2 cups of ground beans
  • 1 pinch of salt

To accompany:

  • 1 whole chicken breast
  • 1 cup of sour cream
  • 1 piece of lettuce
  • 1 cup of red sauce
  • 1 cup of green sauce
  • 2 cups of grated cheese
  • 1 clove garlic

How to make Mexican Sopecitos:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare our Mexican sopecitos. On one side we are going to slice the lettuce and place it in a bowl with enough water to cover it completely. Then, we add a few drops of disinfectant for vegetables and leave it in the water for approximately 5 minutes. Once ready, drain the water and reserve the lettuce for last. On the other hand, we take the chicken breast and place it in a saucepan with enough boiling water, add the piece of onion and the clove of garlic, as well as a pinch of salt; Let it cook for approximately 30 minutes over high heat.

Meanwhile, we take the dough for sopes and add a splash of water to soften it a bit and make it more manageable. Add a little salt and mix very well. After having the dough for the Mexican sopecitos ready, we take a small piece and form a small ball, which with the help of our palms we are going to flatten a little so that we have a kind of slightly thick tortilla, approximately 3-4 cm in diameter We place them on the griddle to cook them, constantly watching to turn them every half minute so they cook everywhere and don’t burn. We cook them over medium heat. Once the tortillas for Mexican sopes are cooked, we bury our thumbs around them to form a kind of small pots, as we see in the image.

And then we started to prepare the Mexican sopes to be able to serve them. We start by spreading ground beans on our top. Often we add a little lettuce and chicken, or we can also add crumbs, steak or chorizo, or whatever you like best. It is here where you can add your characteristic touch to Mexican sopecitos. But, if you have no idea and you want us to help you with the filling, don’t miss our recipe for Mexican chicken sopes and start enjoying the incredible flavor of Mexican cuisine.

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