Mexican sardines recipe

When we talk about Mexican food, we already know that it necessarily has some kind of chili that gives it a spicy touch, although not all dishes from this country are always spicy. This touch is something special and delicious for those who appreciate good food and enjoy it.

On this occasion, we offer you an exquisite recipe for Mexican sardines, which is a simple, practical and quite cheap preparation, so it is perfect for any occasion. Especially as a main dish for a family dinner, since it is a light dish but at the same time exquisite. Also, you can always use another fish instead of canned or fresh sardines.

Keep reading this step by step and learn how to make delicious and spicy Mexican sardines.

Ingredients to make Mexican Sardines:

  • 1 can of sardines
  • 1 branch of Coriander
  • 2 pieces of red tomato
  • ½ piece of white onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 piece of Lemon
  • 2 pieces of Chile chipotle in marinade
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of Pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of Oil

How to make Mexican Sardines:

  1. The first step to make these Mexican-style sardines is to prepare the ingredients that we are going to use.
  2. To begin we take the cilantro, the white onion and the red tomato, we wash them perfectly well and we chop them finely, as we can see in the following image.
  3. On the other hand, in a frying pan with a little hot oil, add the shredded sardines and let them fry lightly, for approximately 3 minutes, stirring constantly so that they do not stick or burn.
  4. Now we add the vegetables and the chopped chilies to our sardines and let everything cook together for approximately 5 minutes, adding a pinch of salt and pepper for seasoning.
  5. After this time, remove the Mexican sardines from the heat and serve hot. We can accompany this dish with some delicious salty corn tortillas or homemade tortilla chips.

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