Mexican Pumpkin with Corn Recipe

We share this recipe for Mexican-style pumpkins with corn and Oaxaca cheese that lick your fingers that you can prepare in less than an hour. Continue reading the step by step and enjoy this tasty Mexican pumpkin dish and be sure to try these other stewed pumpkins with pork another day if you like this vegetable.

Ingredients to make Mexican-style pumpkins with corn:

  • 4 pumpkins from Italy
  • 2 corn on the cob
  • 1/2 onion
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 polio Chile
  • 45g butter
  • Salt to taste
  • Oaxaca cheese to taste

How to make Mexican-style pumpkins with corn:

  1. Roast and devein the polio pepper.
  2. Chop the tomato, the onion, and the pumpkins from Italy and shell the corn.
  3. In a pot with butter, first fry the Chile, and then the onion, corn and chopped tomato.
  4. When it is well fried, add the pumpkin and salt to taste cover and leave over low heat until the Mexican-style pumpkin is soft.
  5. At the end, the Oaxaca cheese is made, it is turned off on the fire and it is covered again so that the cheese melts.
  6. And now you can taste these pumpkins with Oaxaca cheese so rich and tasty in the Mexican style

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