Mexican Chicken Barquitas Recipe

These Mexican boats are a downfall. Easier to fill and eat than tacos, they offer a thousand possibilities. For this reason, we learn to prepare them stuffed with chicken with mushrooms and a touch of mustard, they will be delicious! They are an ideal option for a dinner with friends, an informal meal or even as a snack to watch a game or a movie. With these quantities we have to feed from four to eight guests, depending on their hunger!

Ingredients to make Mexican Chicken Barquitas:

  • 8 whole grain boats
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 200 grams of Mushrooms
  • 1 large onion
  • 3 tablespoons of Dijon Mustard
  • 1 splash of wine
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 150 grams of smoked scamorza cheese
  • 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil

How to make Mexican Chicken Barquitas:

First, peel and slice the onion. I usually make it in strips because I like it to be noticed, but if you prefer you can chop it finely. Then, we put it in a frying pan with a splash of olive oil and we poach it. While we clean, wash and cut the mushrooms into slices or pieces. Put them in the pan along with the onion and sauté. Besides, we clean the breasts well and remove any trace of fat that may remain (of course we use the breasts without skin). We cut them into small pieces and reserve to continue with the elaboration of the Mexican chicken boats. When the mushrooms and onion are almost done, add the pieces of breast and lightly sauté them without overdoing them, or they would be very dry. If necessary, we can add a splash of wine or water to facilitate this step and prevent the vegetables from burning. Finally, we add the mustard, adjust the salt to our liking, stir well and remove the preparation from the heat.

Arrange the boats on the oven tray and distribute the chicken and mushroom sauté. Cut the scamorza cheese into cubes, spread them over the top and place in a preheated oven at 180ºC for about 15-20 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and golden brown. We can get Mexican boats in practically any supermarket. And if not, we can always choose to take a taco and fry it in the shape of a boat.

Trick: We can replace this cheese with any other that we have at home and that melts well.

We serve the chicken and mushroom boats and enjoy! Be careful because they come out very hot and the filling can burn you. Better to wait a few minutes before attacking them. And if you want to prepare a more complete menu, also prepare some tacos al pastor or a surimi and apple salad.

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