Mexican chakras lentils recipe

Don’t you know what to prepare for today’s meal? What do you think of a delicious lentil broth? It is a Mexican recipe, which is a simple preparation and with which you can surprise everyone at home, since if we prepare them Churro style goes from being just a soup to being the main dish since in this way they will be accompanied with a bit of sausage, bacon and pork rinds, ingredients that give them exquisite touch.

What do you think of the idea? It sounds exquisite, doesn’t it? Then stay with us and let’s prepare together, step by step, this incredible recipe with which you will leave everyone at home with their mouths open since you will transform a simple soup of lentils into a fascinating main dish stewed with sausages.

Ingredients to make Mexican chakras lentils:

  • 1½ cups of Lentil
  • ½ kilogram of red tomato
  • ¼ piece of Onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 pinch of Cumin
  • 6 pieces of turkey sausage
  • 250 grams of pork rinds
  • 250 grams of Bacon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Mexican chakras lentils:

1. In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare these delicious Mexican chakras lentils.

2. To start we must soak the lentils, in a container with water, for approximately 2 hours or until they look swollen. This will make them softer and cook faster.

Once ready, we remove them from the water, drain them and reserve them for a moment.

3. On the other hand we cook vegetables. To do it, we take the tomatoes, wash them perfectly and place them in a saucepan with enough boiling water, let them cook over medium heat together with the onion and garlic.

4. Meanwhile, fry the bacon in a hot skillet, frying until golden brown and slightly crispy.

5. Now, in the same fat that the bacon left, we fry the sliced ​​sausages in small pieces, like the ones we see in the following image. Let them fry until golden brown.

6. We recover the vegetables, and once the red tomato is ready, we place it in the blender along with the onion and garlic to make the base sauce. Then we add the pinch of cumin, and 3 cups of water and blend everything until we obtain a homogeneous tomato sauce.

7. We place this sauce to fry in a saucepan with a little hot oil. Let the tomato sauce cook for about 10 minutes over medium heat.

8. After this time, add the lentils to the tomato sauce and continue cooking for approximately 20 minutes. We constantly move to integrate.

9. Then we add all the meat, the pork rind cut into small pieces, the fried sausage, and the fried bacon cut into pieces. We move to integrate all the ingredients and let the flavors of our chakras lentils integrate for 10 minutes.

We rectify seasoning with salt and pepper if we consider it necessary.

10. After this time our rich dish will be READY! Remember to accompany these delicious Mexican charred lentils with some freshly made corn tortillas.

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