Mexican beef tacos recipe

If you like Mexican food, you have surely tried more than one taco, so go ahead and follow this step-by-step recipe so that you learn how to prepare your own Mexican tacos, with homemade corn tortillas and a filling of ground beef and cheese that is to lick your fingers.

These Mexican meat tacos are quite easy to make and the best thing is that we will make the dough step by step. When you try them you will love them and you will want to make them all the time, so we wait for your comments at the end of the recipe. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Mexican Tacos with meat:

  • 200 grams of corn flour (Maseca)
  • 100 grams of cooked ground meat (beef and pork)
  • 2 lettuce leaves
  • 1 tomato
  • grated cheese to taste
  • 1½ cups of Water (360 milliliters)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • 1 jet of oil
  • 1 teaspoon mustard
  • 1 handful of fresh basil

How to make Mexican Beef Tacos:

In order to eat some delicious Mexican tacos, the first thing we must do is make the dough for the tortillas. Then, mix the flour with the water and knead.

The correct proportion is 1 and a half cups of water for every two cups of flour, although a little more water may be required depending on the type of flour used. Knead until you get a homogeneous and smooth dough. Make medium-sized balls and flatten with a rolling pin or iron, leaving circular tortillas with a thickness of approximately 1 cm. To cook the tortillas, they are placed on the hot griddle or pan and we turn them every 30 seconds, at least 3 times, until they are gently browned. Remove and place on a napkin. Before assembling the Mexican tacos, we must have the ground beef ready. In this case we have browned it seasoning with chives, garlic and spices.

Besides, we must also prepare the lettuce and tomato salad with basil, salt, pepper, vinegar, oil, mustard and a touch of sugar. To assemble our Mexican meat tacos, we simply spread the tortilla, place the meat, the salad and finish with a good portion of grated cheese.

You can also accompany with a little Pico de Gallo or make more varieties of tacos, such as the famous tacos al pastor. Bon Appetite!

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