Melon Salmorejo Recipe

The melon salmorejo consists of a completely different version to the traditional one, which contains tomato. The result is exquisite, since it is a very fresh cream. In addition, it is an ideal dish to start a delicious summer meal, followed by creams, salads, gazpachos or salmorejos. On the other hand, you should know that for this recipe it is essential that the melon is ripe, you should also clean the skin and the seeds well.

Ingredients to make melon salmorejo:

  • 250 grams of melon
  • 50 grams of bread from the day before
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 150 milliliters of cold water
  • 50 milliliters of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • To accompany
  • hard-boiled egg
  • ham cubes
  • melon pieces

How to make Melon Salmorejo:

  • To start with the melon salmorejo recipe, you must first choose a ripe melon, this will provide more flavor to the salmorejo. Next, cut it into strips, remove the bark and also the seeds. Cut it into pieces and reserve.
  • Cut the bread into chunks or very thin slices. Next, place it in a bowl with the clove of garlic, you can put half or a whole garlic if you like it strong. Also add a little salt, cold water, vinegar and a dash of olive oil. As you well know, the salmorejo recipe is one of the most used to take advantage of stale bread.
  • Tip: the bread is better if it is a few days old.
  • Start blending and add the melon pieces until creamy.
  • Finish adding the oil little by little so that there is an emulsified cream. Next, taste and rectify salt and vinegar. Reserve the bowl in the fridge for a couple of hours or until serving time.
  • Tip: if you wish, you can add more melon if you like the flavor and if you like the cream thicker, you can also add more bread. On the contrary, if you like it lighter, add more cold water.
  • When you have the melon salmorejo very cold, serve it accompanied by homemade croutons, diced ham, hard-boiled egg or melon pieces

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