Meatballs with pea’s recipe

Ingredients to make meatballs with peas:

  1. 1 Green pepper (small 80 -90 gr.)
  2. 1 Red pepper (small 80-90 gr.)
  3. 1 Carrot (large 100 gr.)
  4. 2 large tomatoes (300 gr. in total)
  5. 3 garlic cloves
  6. 1 large onion (250 gr.)
  7. Peas (250 gr. approx.)
  8. Minced beef (1 kg.)
  9. 2 slices of Bread Bimbo or similar
  10. 1 egg
  11. Salt
  12. Pepper
  13. 1/2 Glass of Wine
  14. 1 glass of olive oil

How to make Meatballs with Peas:

  • Separately prepare a little bread, egg, flour, pepper and separate the measures of wine and olive oil.
  • Chop the onion, peppers, garlic and tomatoes.
  • We put them to fry in a casserole with the olive oil, we add a pinch of salt and pepper
  • While in a bowl we will put the salt, the egg, the wine and the bread
  • We introduce the meat mixing it well and we can now make the balls passing them through flour to round them well and that when frying them they do not open.
  • While the vegetables are poached, we will remove them and put them in a glass to crush them, there will be a fine sauce that we will put back in the casserole with water, over high heat
  • While we will fry the meatballs a little, just so that the flour in the batter browns, then we can put the meatballs in the casserole, we will let it cook for 30. After this time, we will add the peas and rectify it with salt and leave it for 10¨ more.
  • Now we can remove it from the heat and decorate it to taste.

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