Meat Thickening Recipe

Meat Thickening Recipe

Meat Thickening Recipe

Ingredients to make Thickened Meat:Meat Thickening Recipe

  • For 6 people:
  • A kilo of beef brisket.
  • Half a kilo of green beans.
  • Half a kilo of yucca.
  • A quarter of a kilo of onion.
  • Twelve ears of tender corn.
  • Two onions.
  • Two cups of coriander leaves.
  • Brother (the necessary).
  • Colored pepper.
  • Oil.

How to make Thickened Meat:


Cut the meat into regular pieces and make a broth; after it has boiled well, add the green beans and the yucca cut into pieces.


Let it keep boiling.


Separately, grate the corn.


You can also blend or grind them in a grain grinder, along with the coriander and onion.


Place the resulting mixture of corn, coriander and onion in a pot; and there you gradually add the broth until you get a thick mixture.


Do not stop moving so that it takes its point and does not stick.


When this kind of papain is ready, add it to the cooking of meat, beans and yucca and check if the salt level is right.


This preparation should be served in soup dishes.


On top you add the onion prepared as for onions, with a little colored pepper.


In a medium flat plate, serve red rice or “arrow cool”, as it is also called.

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