Meat Paella recipe with broad beans and artichokes

The meat and vegetable paella is one of the most popular in Spain due to its incredible flavor and contrast of textures. Although there are several recipes that exist, our friend Mariangeles_rsg1965 teaches us how to prepare one based on pork ribs, broad beans and artichokes, quite a delicacy!

Ingredients to make meat Paella with broad beans and artichokes:

  • 500 grams of rice
  • Chopped pork ribs (to taste)
  • Peeled fresh beans (to taste)
  • chopped artichokes (to taste)
  • 1 red bell pepper cut into wide strips
  • 1 grated tomato
  • sweet paprika (to taste)
  • ground saffron (to taste)
  • Ground rosemary or branch (to taste)
  • Oil and salt
  • Water (amount needed)

How to make meat Paella with broad beans and artichokes:

  1. Put the oil in the paella pan and fry the ribs and the chopped pepper.
  2. Remove the pepper and reserve to garnish the paella with meat and vegetables at the end, and continue frying the ribs.
  3. Add the artichokes and broad beans and fry for a few minutes. Then add the grated tomato and fry a little more.
  4. Add the paprika to taste, stir a few times and add the water to cover, the saffron, rosemary and salt also to taste to enhance the flavor of the meat paella with broad beans and artichokes.
  5. Allow to cook for about 20 minutes and then add the rice, distribute well throughout the paella pan and cook until dry and sweet.
  6. Garnish the meat paella with broad beans and artichokes with the pepper strips reserved on top and leave to rest for a few minutes off the heat.
  7. The rib paella with vegetables is ready to eat. Accompanied with a good slice of bread, it is spectacular.



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