Meat ceviche recipe

Many of us know ceviche as a recipe of South American origin made with fish or shellfish. The truth is that there are many varieties of ceviche and, depending on the region or country where it is prepared, the ingredients change, since in many cases seafood is not such an accessible ingredient.

This time, we bring you a meat ceviche recipe. Although it sounds unusual, this type of ceviche is just as successful and well named as other more well-known recipes. Join us and discover how to make meat ceviche, a culinary delicacy that you cannot miss!

Ingredients to make meat ceviche:

• 1 very tender veal fillet

• 2 medium ripe tomatoes

• 1 bunch of fresh coriander

• 1 pinch of hot pepper

• 1 pinch of ground black pepper

• 1 purple onion

• 2 tablespoons of olive oil

• 2 pinches of salt

• 2 red radishes

• Juice of 1 lemon

• 1 piece of grated or powdered ginger

How to make meat ceviche:

Wrap a couple of medium or one large beef steak in plastic wrap. Make sure it fits snugly against the meat, just like a sausage. Put them in the freezer for 35 minutes so they freeze slightly and you can make thin cuts more easily.

Tip: It should be in a curly or coiled shape after freezing

Take out the meat already hardened and tight to cut it into very thin slices. To do this, you must have a very sharp knife.

Tip: If the meat roll is not quite hard yet, leave it for another 15 minutes.

This ceviche can be prepared with the meat completely raw (it will be cooked by the lemon) or it can be lightly seared in a pan. If you don’t like the idea of eating raw meat, here we show you how to make ceviche with cooked meat. Preheat a grill or frying pan and seal the beef pieces.

Tip: Do not add salt or they will harden.

You will see that the pieces are circular. Put them in a container, bathe them in lemon juice, and add the grated ginger, salt and chili. Seal the container without mixing the ingredients and take the meat to marinate in the fridge for at least an hour. Meanwhile, prepare the rest of the ingredients half an hour before serving. Cut the ripe tomatoes into cubes and reserve.

Cut and peel the onion into feathers. Chop the fresh cilantro and the radish into slices. Combine everything (except the cilantro) with the tomato already cut. Add a pinch of salt and ground black pepper and mix. Transfer the mixture to a serving dish, add the marinated meat and bathe the plate with olive oil and coriander. Enjoy this meat ceviche!

How to make meat ceviche – Recommendations

Macareño meat ceviche is a preparation that is very enjoyed in the province of Loja, in southern Ecuador. The pleasant aromas and nuances of this dish combine perfectly with drinks such as beer. You can taste it alone or with a side of rice or tostones. Here are other suggestions for preparing meat ceviche:

• The cut of meat you use should always be of the highest quality. Choose very tender and soft cuts such as sirloin.

• In addition to lemon, you can also use other citrus fruits such as bitter orange.

• The traditional thing is to enjoy ceviche with raw meat, so if you want to try this dish without altering its flavors and benefits, choose not to cook the meat.

On the other hand, meat ceviche has a rich content of B vitamins, iron, sarcosine and linoleic acid. It is, without a doubt, a dish from which we can derive many benefits.

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