Meat and vegetable Lasagna recipe step by step

Learn how to cook a delicious meat and vegetable lasagna by following this quick and easy recipe. First we will make a sauce with the vegetables and the tomato, and then we will fry the minced meat and mix everything to end up assembling a meat and vegetable lasagna with béchamel sauce and grated cheese and grill it in the oven.

Lasagna, known as pastiche in some countries, is an Italian dish known throughout the world, a recipe that each country has adapted to its culture and that today we can find it in many different flavors and forms.

The recipe that we teach you to prepare is a step-by-step meat and vegetable lasagna that is not only delicious, but that you can prepare at any time to keep your family happy. In my house they liked the tuna lasagna so much, that they asked me to make another one with meat, and which one is better! I hope you like it…

Ingredients to make meat and vegetable Lasagna step by step:

  • 120 grams of red pepper
  • 100 grams of green pepper
  • 150 grams of onion
  • 700 grams of beef
  • 12 sheets of lasagna
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs
  • 400 grams of crushed tomato
  • 3 tablespoons of fried tomato
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of thyme
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 package of grated cheese
  • béchamel

How to make Meat and Vegetable Lasagna step by step:

  1. Sautéthe garlic and onion let it cook a bit and then add the peppers.
  2. This will be the sauce for the meat and vegetable lasagna
  3. When the sauce is well done, add the crushed tomato, the fried tomato and the sugar.
  4. We let it be done stirring from time to time and when it is, we crush everything.
  5. On the other hand, in another pan with a little oil, fry the mincedWhen we see that it has changed color, we add the vegetable and meat lasagna sauce that we have crushed, the hard-boiled eggs, salt, black pepper, thyme and stir. We booked.
  6. Cook the lasagna sheetsfor about 10 minutes in a pot with boiling water and a little salt, and let them rest on a clean, dry kitchen towel.
  7. We begin to assemble theminced meat and vegetable lasagna and while we assemble, we turn on the oven at 200 °C for 10 minutes.
  8. Place a thin layer of béchamel on the base of a tray or dish suitable for the oven, and then another layer of the cooked plates until it is well covered (cut if necessary).
  9. Now we will put another layer of the meat filling and repeat the process. Plate, béchamel, grated cheese and filling…
  10. Finally, we put a layer of lasagna sheets and finish off with a good layer of béchamel and grated cheese on top.
  11. Place the easy meat and vegetable lasagna tray in the oven, and first bake it for 15 minutes at 200 °C and then 5 minutes on the grill function.
  12. And ready! Let it rest for a few minutes, after taking it out of the oven, and enjoy a good portion of meat and vegetable lasagna… yummy!

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