Matasquita meat recipe

One of the typical dishes from Arequipa is the meat steak; the name comes from the colloquial word that refers to a stew with vegetables. This delicious dish is known throughout the province of Arequipa and can be found in the famous Arequipa spicy places. A delicious, cheap and quick lunch that does not require hard-to-find ingredients, or great culinary knowledge. To make this dish you will need a traditional dressing with panda chili paste, remember that you can make this last ingredient at home or buy it ready-made.

If you want to know how to make meat steak, don’t miss this recipe, we want to teach you how to prepare a traditional stew to share with family and friends. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Meat Matasquita:

  • ½ kilogram of beef (stew)
  • 3 medium white potatoes
  • 1 medium red onion
  • 2 tablespoons of jay panda paste
  • 1 tablespoon garlic paste
  • ½ cup of peeled peas
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Meat Matasquita:

  1. To start with the recipe for meat steak, you must first cut the meat from the stew into medium squares. The red onion in small squares, peel and cut the potatoes in medium squares, and the same with the carrot.
  2. Trick: to avoid oxidation of the potatoes, add water.
  3. Seal the meat in a medium saucepan with a splash of oil.
  4. In a medium pot, add a splash of oil and add the purple onion in squares.
  5. Tip: a pinch of salt will help dehydrate the onion.
  6. When the onion is transparent, add the panda chili paste and the ground garlic.
  7. When the dressing is ready, add the previously sealed beef. What do you think of this Peruvian matasquita?
  8. Add the chopped vegetables and the beef stock. Season with salt and pepper and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes.
  9. You can now serve the meat from Arequipa with rice and accompany it with toasted bread. Tell us in the comments what you think of this recipe.

Other ingredients to make meat steak

Other ingredients to incorporate into the meat steak are: corn, broad beans or beans. In the case of meat, it can be replaced by chicken, pork or fish. We point out that this dish is very flexible and allows the ingredients to be varied without altering its traditional flavor; this is due to the dressing with panda chili paste. In some places they also usually add a spoonful of yellow pepper paste.

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