Matambre Recipe with Juicy Pizza

Ingredients to make Juicy Matambre Pizza:

  1. 2 teaspoons ground black pepper
  2. 2 tablespoons oregano
  3. 5 teaspoons paprika
  4. 200 grams of mozzarella cheese
  5. 1 pinch of salt
  6. 1 cube of meat broth
  7. 5 kilos of matambre or cow fin
  8. 5 teaspoons cayenne pepper
  9. 4 garlic cloves
  10. 1 teaspoon of sugar
  11. 1 kilo of crushed natural tomato
  12. 1 glass of olive oil

How to make Juicy Matambre Pizza:

  • Clean the matambre of excess fat and marinate for about two hours with half of the chopped garlic, paprika, half of the oil, half of the oregano, half of the black pepper, salt and pepper. cayenne
  • While preparing a tomato sauce, browning the rest of the minced garlic in the rest of the oil to which the tomato is added and allowed to cook seasoned with the sugar, the rest of the pepper, the broth and the oregano.
  • Place the matambre in an oven dish and roast until tender, covering it at the beginning of cooking with aluminum foil. When it is pierced and a whitish juice comes out, spread the tomato sauce and the split cheese over it. In cubes so that with the heat it melts.
  • It is served as soon as the cheese begins to take on a little color.

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