Marzipan Pens recipe

Whether it’s for the hot season or simply for a cold craving, pens are an excellent option. Pens are a frozen dessert of various flavors, the most common are usually strawberry, eggnog and vanilla, but there are also so-called gourmet pens, which are usually made of special ingredients with one and a thousand combinations.

In this article we have the recipe for marzipan bolis for you, that typical Mexican sweet made with peanuts and sugar, and what better way to combine it with a little milk and enjoy it cold. Keep reading and discover with us how to make marzipan pens, a practical and super delicious recipe.

Ingredients to make Marzipan Pens:

  • 140 grams of marzipan (5 normal pieces or 10 girls)
  • ½ cup evaporated milk
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 4 cups of whole milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pen bags (approximate size 8x25cm or similar)
  • Marzipan to fill to taste

How to make Marzipan Pens:

  1. To make the marzipan boli recipe, we are simply going to blend all our ingredients, starting with the milk, the vanilla extract and the 140 grams of marzipan.
  2. So, blend for 3 minutes so that all the ingredients are integrated.
  3. To make it easier to fill the bags, take a glass, insert the bag and fold it outside.
  4. Prepare the marzipan for the filling, chop them a little and add them to the bag before filling it.
  5. Tip: you can substitute the marzipan for the filling with peanut butter.
  6. Pour the milk mixture and fill the bag until it is ¾ full.
  7. As you can see, with the glass it is much easier to make homemade marzipan pens, and any other flavor.
  8. Roll up and tie a knot, or you can also close the bag with a rubber band.
  9.  Make sure there are no liquid leaks and put the marzipan pens in the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours or overnight.
  10. Once they have frozen, you can enjoy your homemade marzipan pens.
  11. To eat it, you can cut the bag at the knot or make a hole at one end. Be that as it may, enjoy this rich and practical cold dessert.


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