Marzipan figurines recipe

This time we are going to prepare some marzipan figurines, a traditional Christmas sweet with a very simple preparation based on almonds and sugar.

Preparing the almond marzipan at home is very simple and, in addition, we can give it a sweet touch to our liking by carefully calculating the sugar that we want to put in the homemade marzipan figurines, since the purchased ones are usually very cloying and sweet, but it is The good thing about making them at home is that we prepare them to our liking. We encourage you to prepare them!

Ingredients to make marzipan figurines:

  • 250 grams of ground almonds
  • 225 grams of white sugar
  • 1 egg

How to make marzipan figurines:

  1. We prepare the ingredients to make these homemade marzipan figurines.
  2.  Then we take an egg and separate the white from the yolk.
  3. In a bowl we put the sugar, the ground almonds and the white of an egg, we mix everything well until it is well integrated.
  4. If it is very dry, you can add a little more white. It must not be too wet, otherwise the marzipan figurines cannot be made.
  5. We take the marzipan dough, wrap it in transparent film and put it in the fridgefor a while.
  6. We will wet our hands with water so that the dough does not stick to us, we will form balls and we will make the homemade marzipan We can also use the pasta cutters to make them.
  7. We put a baking traywith a sheet of baking paper, and we will be putting the figurines.
  8. We beat the egg yolk and with the help of a kitchen brush we will paint the marzipan.
  9. We put the apple figurines in the oven with the grilland leave it until they are golden.
  10. We take out and we will have our marzipan figurinesready for Christmas.


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