Marshmallow Cream Recipe

This recipe for marshmallow cream, or cloud cream, is ideal for filling cookies, cakes or covering cakes and cakes. Its best known form is the commercial one, but made at home it has nothing to envy to the original. The good thing is that it can last two weeks fresh, so we can do it in advance until it is ready to be used. It is also ideal to mix it with other ingredients to enrich it, such as cheese.

If you love marshmallows and want to prepare delicious cupcakes or cakes with their rich flavor, we invite you to join us in this article to discover how to make marshmallow cream in just two steps. You dare?

Ingredients to make Marshmallow Cream:

  • 35 grams of egg white
  • 190 grams of syrup or corn syrup
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 90 grams of icing sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

How to make Marshmallow Cream:

  1. Beat the egg whites with a whisk for 15 minutes, do it together with the corn syrup and a pinch of salt until doubled in volume.
  2. Tip: You can replace the corn syrup with inverted sugar or honey.
  3. Add the icing sugar and vanilla extract and continue beating, first on low speed and then on high speed for a few more minutes until the sugar is well integrated.
  4. You already have your marshmallow cream ready to use or store it in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks.


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