Marinated chicken skewers with soy recipe – Oriental style

Soy – marinated chicken skewers are a real treat. The day I made them I only had chicken and some tomatoes, but I still wanted to make something different and since I love sweet and sour recipes, I looked for what else I could use and here is the result.

The marinade for chicken skewers  can be very varied, but you will see that only by mixing honey and soy sauce you get an exquisite flavor, oriental style, that does not need more complications. So if this easy recipe has piqued your curiosity, read on and learn how to prepare these delicious marinated chicken skewers… to lick your fingers!

Ingredients to make Soy Marinated Chicken Skewers – Oriental Style:

  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1 small glass of soy sauce
  • ½ small glass of honey
  • 1 handful of cherry tomato

How to make Soy Marinated Chicken Skewers – Oriental Style:

Once you have gathered all the ingredients, which are not many, the first thing you should do is cut the chicken into cubes or bite-size pieces. The idea is that they are medium pieces that fit in your mouth, if you need to have to cut them. Next, mix the soy sauce with the honey and spread the chicken pieces very well in the mixture, remember that if it is not enough you can add more soy or honey maintaining the proportions. I recommend doing it in a plastic container so that you can marinate the chicken without problems. If you have time, let the meat take on the flavors for about 3 hours or overnight. Otherwise, half an hour will be enough.

Trick: As you can see, this recipe does not have salt because the soy sauce already provides enough.

When the marinating time has passed, before cooking the chicken skewers, cut the cherry tomatoes in half. You can also add other ingredients such as peppers and onions. To assemble the skewers you just have to insert pieces of chicken marinated with soy and tomato halves interspersed. With four pieces of meat per skewer it will be enough for a portion.

There is also the option of not assembling the skewers with the raw ingredients and waiting to assemble them once everything is cooked. You can do this if you don’t have a wide pan and you can’t fit the whole skewers.

Tip: If you want you can add a little sesame seeds.

To cook the oriental-style chicken skewers, heat a non-stick pan with a drop of oil, when ready, place the skewers and cook over medium heat until sealed on all sides. Take advantage and add the rest of the marinade juice to the pan.

Continue cooking, covering the pan, until the chicken has browned completely. You will see that a kind of crust forms, but don’t worry, it is not that it has burned, it is just that the honey forms a caramel. Serve the oriental-style soy-marinated chicken skewers right away and bon appetite! they are delicious and if you want to accompany them with something, I recommend a side dish with which you can take advantage of the soy sauce and honey.

And if you like sweet and sour flavors, you can also use this mixture of ingredients to cook grilled salmon or baked ribs.

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