Mango Gazpacho Recipe

If you want a non-traditional, different, fresher and surprising gazpacho, with which everyone will be left with their mouths open, try this mango gazpacho recipe! That our friend Alfonso Ruiz has shared with all of you.

In addition to having a delicious flavor, the mango is a very beneficial fruit for health. It stands out for its high content of vitamins of group B and C that improve the functioning of our body’s metabolism and are antioxidants. It is also rich in several minerals such as iron, magnesium, selenium, and potassium, which prevents fluid retention.

For these and many other benefits, dare to prepare this wonderful recipe for cold mango soup for any occasion that you feel like refreshing yourself!

Ingredients to make Mango Gazpacho:

  • 500 grams of Tomatoes
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 ripe mango
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • Salt
  • 1 glass of water.
  • Pepper

How to make Mango Gazpacho:

  • To make this mango gazpacho, the first thing we will do is gather all the ingredients that we are going to use. Then we peel the mango and remove the bone by cutting it into several pieces.
  • In the blender, add all the ingredients for the manga gazpacho, except the water and the pepper. Let the mango salmorejo blend for 10 minutes
  • We correct the mango gazpacho with a little water and a pinch of salt in case it is too thick. Add the pepper to taste.
  • Pass the resulting sleeve gazpacho through a sieve to make it as fine as possible. And ready! Our refreshing mango gazpacho will be ready to drink! You can accompany it with pieces of breadcrumbs and a few drops on top.

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