Manchego ratatouille recipe

Manchego ratatouille is part of the traditional gastronomy of Spain, and it has been with us practically forever. Of course, the ingredients of the ratatouille from La Mancha that we know today were incorporated over the years, as new foods arrived in the country.

This dish is characterized by being cheap and an excellent way to take advantage of seasonal vegetables. Likewise, its preparation is simple and allows us to obtain a delicious, nutritious and perfect side dish to accompany any dish, whether meat, fish, etc. We can even serve the homemade ratatouille as an appetizer with some toast! Without a doubt, it is a very complete vegetable dish that you cannot miss. Therefore, keep reading and discover how to make ratatouille from La Mancha, the traditional recipe.

Ingredients to make Pisto manchego:

  • 1 large onion
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 2 courgettes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 300 grams of crushed tomato (best homemade)
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of salt

How to make Manchego Pisto:

Chop the onion and garlic. The size of the pieces can be to taste, although the ratatouille from La Mancha is characterized by presenting the vegetables in rather small pieces. We chop the red pepper and the green pepper into small pieces so that they cook faster.

Heat a saucepan with a good splash of oil. When hot, add the chopped onion and garlic and let them cook over medium heat for about 3-5 minutes.

When the onion has been slightly poached, add the peppers, stir, mix well and let cook for about 10 more minutes. It is important that we stir the ingredients of the ratatouille of La Mancha to prevent them from burning. While the vegetables are poaching, chop the zucchini into small squares.

Add the zucchini and tomato to the pan, as well as a little salt. Remove and let cook for about 30 minutes or until how we like it. The traditional ratatouille from La Mancha is made with whole crushed tomatoes, so it is always better to use homemade crushed tomato than from a jar. To make the original recipe, we cut each tomato crosswise and poach them for 15 minutes. Then, we pass them through cold water, remove the skin and grind them. Once crushed, we can add them to the pan.

Once all the vegetables are done, taste the salt and adjust if necessary. If we notice that the ratatouille sticks, we can always add a little more crushed tomato or a glass of water. We let it finish cooking and it will be ready to eat.

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