Majorcan Vegetable Soups Recipe

Majorcan vegetable soups are not soupy, contrary to what we understand by a traditional soup. They are made from cabbage, leeks, artichokes and other vegetables of your choice, which are combined with so-called “sopes”, dry brown bread cut into very thin slices. Brown bread is very difficult to find on the peninsula, but you can also make this traditional Majorcan recipe with another type of dry bread.

Ingredients to make Majorcan vegetable soups:

  • 2 Tomatoes
  • ½ onion
  • 3 tender garlic
  • ½ cabbage
  • 3 artichokes
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 package of spinach
  • 1 pinch of hot paprika
  • 30 grams of Mallorcan Butifarrón
  • 150 grams of Mushrooms
  • 125 grams of dry wholemeal bread
  • 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Mallorcan vegetable soups:

  • Here we have the ingredients for this traditional Majorcan recipe. All the vegetables will be washed and chopped
  • In a pot pour the chopped cabbage, cover it with water until it covers it and boil it for 10 minutes. Then we put out the fire.
  • Meanwhile, in a pot, preferably clay, fry the vegetables with a little extra virgin olive oil. First the onion and green pepper, for about five minutes
  • Add the rest of the vegetables: first the tomato, and let it sauté for five more minutes, always stirring from time to time. Then we add the spring garlic and, after five more minutes, the artichokes and mushrooms, which we leave for three minutes. We also add the crumbled Majorcan butifarron, as well as salt, black pepper and hot paprika.
  • We put the pot back on the fire, with the cabbage already cooked, and add the spinach and the fried vegetables. We mix everything and let it cook for five minutes. If necessary, add a little water, until it almost covers the vegetables.
  • In another clay pot (or in the same one in which we have cooked the vegetables) we cover the bottom with the bread soups (dry wholemeal bread, cut into very thin slices).
  • We cover the bread with the vegetables from the pot, fishing them with a slotted spoon. Majorcan soups do not have to be soupy, but they do not have to be too dry either. It is about making the dry bread moist and soft. And now we can serve this typical Majorcan dish, which you will surely love! And for dessert, some delicious homemade custard.

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