Madrilenian stew recipe

Madrilenian stew recipe

Madrilenian stew recipe

Ingredients to make Madrilenian Potage:Madrilenian stew recipe

  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • ¼ loaf of stale bread
  • ½ teaspoon Cumin
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 500 grams of Chickpeas
  • 2 units of boiled egg
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 300 grams of chopped cod
  • 1 package of spinach
  • 1 unit of Onion
  • 4 tablespoons of oil

How to make Madrilenian Potage:


In an express pot with half the water, cook the chickpeas, the bay leaf, 2 unpeeled garlic cloves and the chopped cod for 15 to 20 minutes.


On the other hand, in the oil we fry the bread in small pieces and the garlic. When they are fried we remove them and pass them to a mortar.


Add the cumin and egg yolks to the mortar and mash (crush in the mortar).


In the same oil where we fry the bread and the garlic, we add the paprika, we fry it a little and we will add it to the chickpeas that are in the pot, as well as the mash from the mortar. Chop the egg whites into small pieces and add it to the pot as well and, lastly, add the spinach and let the stew cook with the lid off for 10 minutes.


Rice can be added to this stew to make it a unique dish. If you want to incorporate this ingredient, you must do it during cooking and add a handful of rice per person, if it dries out a bit add water so that it is somewhat soupy. Adjust flavor with salt.


When it is ready, serve the Madrid stew and enjoy!

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