Macaroni with Tuna and Tomato Recipe

Macaroni with tuna and tomato, a simple and quick dish to prepare, as well as cheap, since with few ingredients we can have it ready. Without a doubt, this is an ideal pasta recipe to get the little ones to eat fish, since this is usually a food that they reject frequently. Likewise, it is also a perfect dish for adults due to its speed and ease.

If you love pasta dishes and want to discover new combinations, this one that we present to you is delicious, since it combines two ingredients that go together perfectly, tomato and tuna. In addition, to enhance its flavor even more, we will add onion to the sauce, although it can be replaced by leek and even add both ingredients. In any case, keep reading, discover how to make macaroni with tomato and tuna and tell us what you think of the recipe, it turns out a delicious sauce!

Ingredients to make Macaroni with tuna and tomato:

  1. 200 grams of macaroni
  2. 2 cans of tuna
  3. 1 piece of onion
  4. 1 can of fried tomato
  5. 1 pinch of salt
  6. 1 splash of olive oil
  7. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Macaroni with tuna and tomato:

  • We put a pot with plenty of water and salt, and cook the macaroni.
  • Prepare the sauce while the macaroni is cooking. To do this, in a frying pan we put a jet of oil, chop the onion and put it to fry. When it is poached, add the fried tomato, mix it well and crush it. We have used fried tomato, but you can also prepare the rooms with two or three poached tomatoes to remove the skin and crushed or finely chopped.
  • Once the tomato and onion are crushed, add the two cans of tuna and mix. We have prepared the recipe for macaroni with tuna and tomato in this way, but the truth is that you can also add other ingredients, such as leeks, red peppers, etc.
  • When the macaroni is cooked, drain it well.
  • Put the macaroni in a bowl and add all the tomato and tuna sauce. We mix well and we already have the recipe ready to eat.
  • The macaroni with tomato and tuna are delicious and, as you have seen, they are very easy to make. It is an ideal dish for children, since they usually like it a lot, although it is also perfect for adults

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