Macaroni Recipe with Almond Sauce

The macaroni with almond and mushroom sauce that we present below is a very easy dish to make, quick and delicious, since it combines the mild flavor of mushrooms with the pleasant aroma of nuts. For this, we have used a whole variety of these latest products, a variety that you can modify to your liking as long as you keep the main ingredient, the almond.

On the other hand, we would like to highlight the incredible benefits of almonds for the body, since this nut is one of the best sources of vegetable protein, making it perfect for all those who follow a vegetarian diet. Likewise, the almond is rich in carbohydrates, in vitamin E and B, in calcium, iron and essential fatty acids, so important to maintain the health of the cardiovascular system. Stay and discover how to make pasta with mushroom and almond sauce, you will love it and you will bring endless benefits to your body!

Ingredients to make Macaroni with almond sauce:

  1. 200 grams of Macaroni
  2. 1 piece of leek
  3. 2 mushrooms
  4. 2 handfuls of Almonds
  5. 1 handful of walnuts
  6. 1 handful of Hazelnuts
  7. 200 milliliters of Cream or milk cream for cooking
  8. 1 glass of milk
  9. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Macaroni with Almond Sauce:

  • In order to prepare the recipe for pasta with almond sauce and mushrooms, the first thing we do is prepare all the ingredients. In this way, we finely chop the leek, wash and slice the mushrooms and crush the nuts. For the latter we can use a mortar or an electric mixer. Likewise, when crushing them we can add a little water to soften the mixture.
  • Then, we sauté the leek in a pan with a little hot oil.
  • Tip: You can add more nuts if you want, or remove any from the list.
  • When the leek is slightly golden, add the minced dried fruit and sauté everything together for a few seconds. Separately, we boil the macaroni following the instructions on the package. If you prefer, you can opt for another type of pasta, since this recipe for pasta with mushroom and almond sauce is also suitable for spaghetti, spirals, etc.
  • To continue with the preparation of the almond sauce for pasta, we add the cream or milk cream and stir to integrate it with the previous ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste, let it heat up and immediately remove it to crush it with an electric mixer and obtain a smooth sauce without lumps.
  • In the same pan, or in another, we sauté the sliced ​​mushrooms with very little hot oil, since this product tends to release water when cooking. Sauté the mushrooms separately so as not to crush them with the rest of the nut sauce, but if you prefer you can cook them in the previous step and pass them through the blender.
  • When the mushrooms are ready, add the crushed almond and walnut sauce and mix well. To soften the preparation a bit, add a glass of milk and integrate with a spatula or wooden spoon.
  • Once the sauce is ready, we add the paste and integrate it. We serve the macaroni with almond sauce and mushrooms immediately to prevent them from getting cold.

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