Macaroni and Cheese Lasagna Recipe

Macaroni and cheese lasagna could also be called macaroni pie, since the result is very similar to that obtained with this second preparation. Of course, for this different pasta lasagna we will not use any type of meat, so it could be said that it is ideal for all those who follow a vegetarian diet.

If you like the idea and you want to discover with me the steps to follow to prepare this exquisite dish and surprise all your guests, keep reading!

Ingredients to make Macaroni and Cheese Lasagna:

  1. 250 grams of macaroni
  2. ½ cup Corn
  3. ½ cup of Mushrooms
  4. ½ cup diced onion
  5. ½ cup of Peppers
  6. 1½ cups of béchamel sauce
  7. 1 pinch of salt and pepper

How to make Macaroni and Cheese Lasagna:

  • Cook the pasta until al dente. Then, fry the paprika, the corn, the mushrooms cut to taste, and the onion.
  • When the previous ingredients are done, add the béchamel and stir.
  • To form the macaroni lasagna, you have to take a mold, place the pasta and add the béchamel with the sauce, all well distributed. I have used a silicone mold, but any oven-safe will do.
  • Finally, abundant grated cheese of your preference should be placed and baked for 15 minutes at 180 ºC to gratin.
  • Ready! The macaroni and cheese lasagna is served immediately to enjoy it hot

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