Low calorie winter salad recipe

If the question is to lose weight, there are a series of prohibited ingredients for a winter salad, such as cheeses, avocado and nuts. The oil must be used very sparingly, and care must also be taken with Modena vinegar and soy sauce, which contain sugar. Vegetables are welcome and very appetizing, and you can accompany them with prawns and anchovies to have a protein intake, as we propose in this diet recipe.

Ingredients to make Low Calorie Winter Salad:

  • ½ unit of Broccoli
  • ½ unit of red pepper
  • ½ unit of green pepper
  • 1 unit of Carrot
  • 2 tablespoons of corn
  • 2 tablespoons of cooked prawns
  • 6 anchovy fillets
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 dessert spoon of soy sauce
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Low Calorie Winter Salad:

For the ingredients of this diet winter salad we have chosen broccoli, carrot, green pepper, red pepper and corn, as well as anchovies and prawns, from the precooked peeled ones.  For the dressing we will use a little oil and another little, even less, of soy sauce. We must be very careful with the amounts of these two ingredients, if we want a dish to lose weight.

We wash and chop the broccoli and steam it, in such a way that it will be a very healthy dish. With 10 minutes of cooking it will be enough, even less if we have chopped it a lot.

Arrange the broccoli on a plate and place strips of red pepper and corn on top. We also add the green pepper and the carrot; in this case we have grated them.

In a bowl, prepare the dressing with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, a dessert spoon of soy sauce and a little salt. Stir well and let stand a few minutes before adding to the salad.

We finish preparing the winter salad by adding the anchovy fillets and the cooked peeled prawns, and pour the oil and soy sauce dressing on top.

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