Low calorie chicken salad recipe

As we all know, the Christmas holidays always leave a few extra kilos, so we must take advantage of the month of January to get rid of excess weight by complementing it with a healthy diet and exercise. We help you with a light and low-calorie but delicious recipe! Chicken salad is very simple and healthy, you will love it.

Ingredients to make Low Calorie Chicken Salad:

  • 1 bunch of spinach or fresh lettuce
  • 2 units of green apples
  • 300 grams of chicken cooked and shredded
  • 2 teaspoons of pine nuts
  • 2 teaspoons of Almonds
  • 120 grams of fresh strawberries
  • 2 teaspoons of blueberries

How to make Low Calorie Chicken Salad:

Our first step to make the low-calorie recipe is to pre-list the ingredients. We are going to disinfect the lettuce or spinach (whichever of the two you use is very good). Take the leaves to a deep bowl and add enough water to cover them, add white vinegar and mix the ingredients well. Leave disinfecting for approximately 15 minutes then remove and let drain very well.

With your hand chop the spinach and take them to another bowl. Add the green apples in small squares and the sliced ​​strawberries. Mix the ingredients very well.

Add the cooked chicken breast and mix the ingredients well. Remember that you can use chicken that you have left over from another preparation or grill the breast with a little lemon.

Add the nuts and blueberries. Remember that nuts help our body to have good fats which are ideal for weight loss.

Serve our low-calorie chicken salad decorating with chopped almonds on top.

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