Loquat jam recipe

Loquat jam, ideal to take advantage of this fruit when it is in season. The medlar is a fruit with a high amount of pectin, which is a natural fiber that allows the jam to thicken once cold. In addition, it contains vitamins, minerals and tannins, making it a very nutritious and complete food.

Homemade jams are easy to prepare and perfect for taking advantage of seasonal fruits. For this, it is preferable to opt for ripe fruits, since this way the amount of added sugar will be less. Focusing on the option that we share in this article, it is ideal for breakfast or a snack, although we could also use it to decorate and fill cakes. Of course, to make a good jam you will need a lot of medlars, since being small and containing a fairly large bone in the center, the pulp is not much. We have used half a kilo without skin or bones and a jar of jam has come out. As a recommendation, you can add an extra flavor by incorporating cloves, cinnamon or cane sugar. That being said, keep reading and discover with us how to make medlar jam.

Ingredients to make medlar jam:

  • 1 kilogram of medlars without skin and without bone
  • 200 grams of sugar (1 cup)
  • 1 piece of lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of water

How to make medlar jam:

  1. Clean the medlars, remove the bone and the skin.
  2. To better remove the bones, we recommend that you first peel the fruit, cut it in half and remove the stone.
  3. Cut the medlars into smaller pieces, put them in a casserole, add the sugar, the juice of half a lemon and 2-3 tablespoons of water, stir and leave to marinate for 1 hour, so it will release all its water
  4. Heat the pot over medium heat.
  5. When it starts to release all its juice, let the medlar jam cook for 20-30 minutes, depending on how ripe the fruit is. Stir from time to time so that it does not stick to the pan and burn.
  6. When the jam is cooked, crush it if you want it finer. Of course, if you like to find pieces you can leave it unshredded.
  7. If it is too thick, you can add a little water, since it will thicken more when it cools. Sugar test to assess if you need one more point.
  8.  In that case, you will have to heat it for a few minutes so that the sugar dissolves.
  9. Ready! Your medlar jam recipe is ready to be packaged.
  10. It is perfect to serve during breakfast with toast, to fill cakes or to cover a cheesecake.
  11. If you want to prepare your own bread, do not miss our article on How to make homemade bread.


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