Loin Empanada Recipe

Do you fancy a homemade loin empanada? Well, don’t miss this quick and quite simple recipe that is shared with us on this occasion. It is a loin fillet empanada with a totally homemade dough and filling, so instead of buying it already made, why don’t you dare to make it yourself?

Ingredients to make Loin Empanada:

For the mass

• 1 large glass of milk

• 40m of oil

• 25 grams of fresh yeast

• 2 teaspoons of salt

• 1 teaspoon of sugar

• 350 grams of flour

• 1 egg

For the filling:

• 1 bell pepper

• Thyme

• Oregano

• Salt

• 1 egg to paint

• 2 teaspoons of sweet paprika

• 1kg onion

• 6 loin steaks

• 100 ml of oil

How to make Loin Empanada:

In a bowl, put the glass of warm milk, 40 ml of oil, 25 g of yeast, and 1 beaten egg and the sugar and mix everything well. Now add the flour and the 2 teaspoons of salt, and knead everything until the dough comes off your hands. Make a ball with the homemade empanada dough and let it rest until it doubles its volume. Divide the dough into two balls and knead the balls again to get the air out. Grease a baking sheet with oil. Now put the onion cut into feathers to poach over the fire with a little oil. Once the onion is poached, add the ground sweet paprika. Stretch one of the balls and spread it on the plate to make the base of the loin fillet empanada. Pour the onion, the stripped bell pepper and the loin fillets over it, and sprinkle a little oregano, a little thyme and salt to taste. Now stretch the other ball of dough and make the top of the empanada de lomo. With the leftover dough you can decorate the lid with the typical crossed strips. Paint it with the beaten egg and make a cut with scissors in each triangle as seen in the image. Put the empanada de lomo in the oven for approximately 30 minutes (depending on the oven, it may be more or less cooking time).

Serve it in portions when it cools down a bit and accompany it with some chicken and hard-boiled egg croquettes or some patatas bravas, for example, to complete your starters or snack appetizers.

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