Lobster monkfish medallions recipe


  • 1 kg monkfish from the central part
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 80g paprika
  • salted
  • a bay leaf
  • Green leaves to garnish (green and red endive, mache or lamb’s lettuce)
  • For the pink willow
  • 250 ml homemade mayonnaise with lemon
  • 2 tablespoons brandy
  • 2 tablespoons orange juice
  • 4 tablespoons ketchup
  • 1/2 grated sweet apple
  • salted
  • White pepper or Tabasco drops


  1. Clean the monkfish, removing the skin and bones and removing the central bone, leaving the clean loins whole, reserving the offal.
  2. Wash the two loins obtained, drying perfectly with a cloth.
  3. Tie each loin, as if it were a piece of roast, with kitchen twine, forming rings fastened with a knot, imitating the tail of a lobster.
  4. Put them on a platter and brush them with the oil on all sides and spread them with the paprika, covering them well.
  5. Cook the offal of the monkfish and the bone in a large pot with plenty of water and a bay leaf. Salt and cover.
  6. When it has boiled for 10 minutes, remove the bay leaf and put the loins in and let them cook in the broth for 15 minutes over medium heat.
  7. After this time, they are removed and allowed to cool on a table to carve later; they will have taken on a pink color.
  8. Meanwhile, we prepare the pink sauce by mixing the mayonnaise with the rest of the ingredients in a glass bowl. Leave in the fridge to keep it cold and serve in a separate sauceboat. Wash the salad leaves, centrifuge and place on a long dish. Cut the monkfish loins, removing the string first, into rings one finger thick.
  9. Arrange them in two rows slightly mounted one behind the other. Serve very cold.

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