Light Tuna Sandwich Recipe

What do you think for a light and easy snack, and at the same time nutritious? Well, don’t miss this recipe in which we teach you how to prepare a light tuna sandwich. Simple, fast, healthy and cheap… What more could you ask for?

Ingredients to make light tuna sandwich:

  • 8 pieces of sliced ​​bread
  • 1 can of tuna
  • 1 bottle of Capers
  • 2 tablespoons light mayonnaise
  • 3 pieces of Chives
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 6 pieces of sweet peppers
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 jar of Chiles in vinegar (optional9

How to make light tuna sandwich:

To prepare the light tuna sandwich, the first thing we are going to do is gather all the ingredients. And then we wash the parsley, the sweet peppers and the chives. Now, the chilies, the sweet peppers and the chives are cut into squares, and the parsley is finely chopped. Then we drain the capers and grind them in a mortar. We do the same with the tuna: drain it, place it in a bowl and add the chopped capers. Then light mayonnaise is added. Next, the tuna and capers are mixed together with the light mayonnaise until it has the consistency of a paste. Finally, we add the chopped peppers and chives and mix them in an enveloping way.

Now we trim the edges of the loaves with kitchen scissors, but if you like the crust of sliced ​​bread, you can also skip this step. And spread the tuna paste on one of the buns. One or two strips of pickled chilies are added if desired and the sandwich is covered with another slice of bread to form the sandwich and we press it to compress the bread and then it is cut into triangles. In a skillet over medium heat, place a splash of olive oil and brown the sandwiches.

To serve your light tuna sandwich, you can accompany it with a coleslaw, or any other salad of our liking. And how about a glass of iced tea to complete this healthy option for dinner, breakfast or snack?

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