Light Lemon Chicken Sandwich Recipe

Today I teach you how to prepare a delicious light sandwich with a mixture of chicken, lemon and cilantro, which is to lick your fingers, we will also put a little grilled cheese on it and the combination will result in a super easy dish to make, healthy and light that you can enjoy in a big way and without regrets.

This light chicken sandwich is made with whole wheat bread, which is what I like to buy and I always have at home, but you can make it with any bread. The chicken will be a shredded grilled chicken fillet, like the one we use in the preparation of the chicken and cheese sandwich, but you can also use chicken from a broth, for example.

Ingredients to make Light Lemon Chicken Sandwich:

• ½ grilled chicken breast

• 1 bunch of fresh coriander

• ½ Lemon

• 1 pinch of salt and pepper

• 1 piece of fresh cheese

• 3 slices of whole meal bread

Optional extras

• 2 lettuce leaves

• ½ avocado

• 2 slices of Tomato for salad

How to make Light Lemon Chicken Sandwich:

We start by gathering all the ingredients and since it is a light recipe, in this case we will use a shredded grilled chicken breast, although you can also use any type of chicken leftovers that you have on hand, the important thing is that it is chicken with a flat taste.

Chop the cilantro finely and also take the opportunity to squeeze the lemons. If you follow my recipes, you will know that the combination of coriander and lemon is a classic for me, it goes well with everything and gives a very fresh flavor to dishes, such as in the chickpea and avocado salad.

We make the chicken mixture for the filling of our light sandwich, with the cilantro, the lemon and season with a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Now we go with the grilled cheese, I have used a thick slice of Latin cheese, which is a slightly salty fresh cheese that is perfect after a few seconds on the grill.

To assemble the sandwich, we start by placing a slice of bread and cheese on top, then another slice of bread and the mixture of chicken, lemon and cilantro. We finish with another layer of bread and that’s it.

At this point you can prepare and add the rest of the extras for the chicken sandwich, I made it with few ingredients, but it can be even better with some lettuce leaves and a few slices of avocado.

Divide it into four so you can easily eat it and enjoy! This light chicken sandwich with lemon chicken is not only great, but it is fresh and light, so you can include it in your diet without problems.

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