Light heart of palm salad with pineapple recipe

Looking for recipes to keep your figure in summer? We have the solution! Because eating healthy is not synonymous with being boring or hungry, below we detail the step by step to learn how to prepare a hearty and delicious light heart of palm salad with pineapple.

Ingredients to make light heart of palm salad with pineapple:

  • 3 pear tomatoes
  • 3 slices of natural or canned pineapple
  • 1 small can of hearts of palm
  • 2 tablespoons of light milk cream
  • 50 grams of chopped walnuts
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make light heart of palm salad with pineapple:

Making this summer salad is very easy. We will start by cutting the plum tomatoes in half and placing them in a container.

Tip: You can use another type of tomato if you prefer.

Then, we cut the pineapple slices into small triangles or dice, as we like. In case of using natural pineapple, we can reserve the pineapple shell to serve the salad inside.

Trick: In other countries pineapple is known as pineapple.

Add the pineapple chunks to the container where we have the tomato, add the hearts of palm cut into small slices and season to taste.

Tip: You can add more low-calorie ingredients if you prefer.

Mix the above ingredients, fill the empty pineapple shell with the salad, and pour the light milk cream on top and the walnuts to decorate.

Clever! We serve the light pineapple and hearts of palm salad and enjoy it with a glass of kiwi and lemon water, ideal for keeping fit in summer.

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