Light Baked Dorada Recipe

If you are dieting, you have surely thought of including fish in your menu, but if you have to eat fish to lose weight, it is better to do it with rich and flavorful dishes, because dieting is not synonymous with eating boring. So continue and learn how to make a delicious baked sea bream with potatoes and onion , you’ll see how your idea of ​​​​baked fish for diets will change with this fantastic recipe.

A simple preparation that you will have ready in half an hour or less! Light baked sea bream is a perfect dish for dinner or lunch, so save this recipe to your favorites and start cooking now.

Ingredients to make Light Baked Dorada:

  • 2 pieces of Bream
  • 4 potatoes
  • ½ onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ½ lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley

How to make Light Baked Dorada:

  1. To make this delicious dish of baked fish for a diet, we will start by making the potatoes. So, wash and peel them well and then soften them a bit in boiling water. Be careful that they don’t look like a puree; they should be slightly soft since we will finish making them in the oven.
  2. Once ready, drain, cut them into slices and reserve.
  3. On the other hand, finely chop the garlic and fry it in a pan with hot oil. When it starts to brown, turn off the heat and reserve.
  4. Take advantage and turn on the oven at 180 ºC so that it is already hot when we put the fish inside.
  5. Now, locate a refractory mold or one suitable for the oven and make a base of potatoes and onion, you can cut everything into slices or wedges. Season with a pinch of olive oil and pepper and a few drops of oil.
  6. Wash the fish very well, discarding all the guts and the internal part. You can order this directly at the fishmonger, although it is always good to pass it through water.
  7. Baked sea bream can be cooked whole or divided in half.
  8. Place the fish on top, if you make it whole, make two or three cuts on the back and insert the lemon slices there. If you prefer to cook it already split, you don’t need to make cuts, just sprinkle a little lemon juice on top.
  9. Finish seasoning with a little more salt, pepper and fresh parsley.
  10. Cook the sea bream in the oven for 20 minutes, enough time for the potatoes to finish cooking, the onion to brown and the fish to be cooked.
  11. When serving the light baked sea bream accompany it with the potato and onion garnish and sprinkle a little more fresh parsley on top. This dish is ideal for lunch or even to serve at dinner.

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