Lentils with pumpkin recipe

On this occasion, we propose a lentil stew with pumpkin, a delicious spoon dish that you really want on cold days. It is a very simple and quick homemade dish to make, vegetarian and very nutritious. Although we have made it with various vegetables and pumpkin, potatoes can also be included. Likewise, it is possible to add more vegetables than we have added, although we recommend trying not to overshadow the flavor of the pumpkin.

Legumes have many benefits and can be cooked in a variety of ways. Pumpkin is also very good, since it is low in fat and has many antioxidant properties. For all these reasons, this is an ideal recipe for those who are on a diet to lose weight or want to eat light and healthy. In addition, we put all the vegetables that it contains raw, so we are left with a smooth and healthy dish. Read on and discover how to make lentils with pumpkin, you’ll love them!

Ingredients to make Lentils with Pumpkin:

  • 350 drops of lentils
  • 1 piece of pumpkin
  • 1 green or red bell pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tablespoon sweet paprika
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce (optional)
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Lentils with Pumpkin:

1.Wash the lentils well under the tap. Separately, prepare the vegetables. To do this, peel the onion and cut it in half or quarters, cut the pepper in half, peel the garlic cloves but leave them whole.

2.Take a pot, add the washed lentils, and add the vegetables and the bay leaf. Pour water up to about 2-3 fingers above the lentils. If you like lentils with butternut squash, add a little more water. Put the pot on the fire and let them cook.

3.When the water starts to get hot, add the spoon of sweet paprika and 2-3 spoons of fried tomato. Stir everything well and cook over medium-low heat.

4.Peel and cut the pumpkin, the amount will be all that you want to put in the stew. Cut it into pieces like potatoes.

5.When the lentils are halfway done cooking, approximately 20 minutes, add the pumpkin pieces add a little salt and cook until the pumpkin and lentils are tender.

6.When the lentils are ready, if you want them to be softer and without pieces, take the vegetables, place them in a bowl along with some pieces of pumpkin and a little broth and blend. This will give more flavor and thickness to the lentils with pumpkin.

7.Pour the crushed vegetables into the pot with the lentils, stir, taste the salt and adjust.

8.Clever! You can now serve the pumpkin lentil recipe hot and accompanied by a slice of bread, such as flaxseed bread or walnut bread. Remember that you can add potato to the stew. In this case, you should add it with the pumpkin, since they have similar cooking times.

Lentils with pumpkin – Nutritional value and recommendations

Lentils with pumpkin are a dish full of vitamins, fiber, iron, and antioxidants. Pumpkin provides a large amount of beta carotene and fiber, while lentils provide iron, protein and carbohydrates.

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