Lemon sorbet with cava recipe

The lemon sorbet with cava is very versatile, as it can be used as a dessert, as a drink and as a digestive to separate flavors, especially when we go from a meat recipe to a fish one. Ideal to taste after copious meals, given its freshness and for being digestive thanks to lemon and cava.

A very easy recipe that we will have ready in just five minutes. Of course, it is not advisable to prepare it well in advance, so the ideal is to make it and serve it almost instantly. On this occasion, we have added cream to make a lemon sorbet to the creamy cava, but the truth is that it can be omitted without problems. Enjoy this delicious drink with yours made at home. In this article we give you the keys to know how to make lemon sorbet with cava.

Ingredients to make lemon sorbet with cava:

  • 1 liter of lemon ice cream
  • 500 milliliters of cava
  • 200 milliliters of whipping cream or heavy cream

How to make lemon sorbet with cava:

  1. Put the chopped lemon ice cream in the blender glass, preferably cold cava and the cream.
  2. Beat with the mixer until creamy and smooth. You can also use the blender.
  3. Trick: Try the sorbet and if you find it strong add a little sugar to taste.
  4. To serve the lemon sorbet with cava, you can put a little colored sugar on a plate.
  5.  Wet the edges of the glasses where the sorbet is to be served with a little water.
  6. Turn the glass upside down and move a little so that the sugar sticks to the edges.
  7. Tip: If you don’t have colored sugar, you can add a little food coloring to the common sugar and dye it.
  8. Pour the sorbet carefully into the glasses and serve immediately.
  9. Make the sorbet just before serving, so if all the ingredients are cold, it will be much richer.
  10.  As you can see, making lemon sorbet with creamy cavais very simple, but remember that you can also do it alone with ice cream and cava and omitting the cream.
  11. In any case, it is delicious, it is very easy and it will surprise your guests during Christmas dinner


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