Lemon marinated tuna recipe

Bluefin tuna is one of the most prized fish in the world, due to its intense flavor and multiple benefits. Among them, its great contribution of omega 3 fatty acids stands out, as well as group B vitamins. For all this, in this recipe we share a simple way to prepare red tuna marinated in lemon, to serve it as a carpaccio as we have done us, to cook it later on the grill or to eat it without any type of cooking, but with a higher degree of maceration.

Ingredients to make Lemon Macerated Tuna:

  • 1 piece of red tuna
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt to taste
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 pinch of garlic powder
  • 1 pinch of chopped parsley

How to make Lemon Macerated Tuna:

  1. So that the lemon marinated tuna is just right, we recommend cutting the fish into small slices about half a centimeter thick. Once this is done, we place them in a deep plate or container, season to taste with garlic, salt and parsley.
  2. Now, we add the juice of the lemons and a good jet of oil. The liquids must almost completely cover the tuna so that the fish is impregnated with them and the result is a very aromatic dish.
  3. Depending on what we want to do with the lemon macerate tuna, we will have to let it rest for more or less time. Thus, if for example we want to serve it as if it were a carpaccio, 20 minutes will be enough. In this case, we recommend spraying the dish with a drizzle of oil, black pepper and, if you like, sprinkle Parmesan cheese. If, on the other hand, we prefer to cook it on the grill or consume it without cooking but with a higher degree of maceration, the ideal is to leave the fish in the mixture of liquids for at least an hour, turning the tuna from time to time.
  4. You will see that as the tuna marinates, it changes color and takes on a more greyish tone. Without a doubt, this lemon marinated tuna recipe is perfect for any occasion, since it does not contain any difficulties. Of course, if you want to taste it without cooking it afterwards, do not forget to freeze the fish beforehand, let it thaw and proceed to follow the steps outlined here.

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