Lemon cream recipe with condensed milk and cream

On this occasion I propose a homemade lemon cream, a simple dessert that goes very well after a hearty meal. An ideal recipe to take note of, since parties are coming soon and this is a dessert that never fails.

The lemon cream is rich and digestive even if it is sweet, since the lemon favors intestinal transit. For this reason, after a good meal it is wonderful and if we accompany it with fruit, we will have a great dessert. Keep reading and learn in this article how to make lemon cream with condensed milk and cream.

Ingredients to make Lemon cream with condensed milk and cream:

  1. 250 grams of condensed milk
  2. 300 grams of whipping cream
  3. 100 milliliters of lemon juice
  4. To accompany
  5. 1 cup of fruits to taste or fruits of the forest

How to make Lemon Cream with condensed milk and cream:

  • We prepare the ingredients. To speed up the process of making the lemon cream with condensed milk, it is advisable to measure all the products before hand.
  • Squeeze the lemons until obtaining 100 ml and strain the juice.
  • In a blender, we put the cream, the condensed milk and the lemon juice. It should be noted that in some countries the cream is known as milk cream.
  • We mix everything with the mixer without beating it excessively. We tried the lemon cream with condensed milk and cream and, if we like it with more lemon flavor, we add more. With the quantity that I specify, the dessert is soft with a lemon flavor.
  • We pass the cream to a jug. In addition, we prepare the glasses or containers that we want to use to serve the lemon and condensed milk dessert.
  • We put the cream in the cups. With the quantities indicated, approximately 4 desserts will come out, although everything will depend on the size of the containers.
  • We put it in the fridge for about 2-3 hours, or overnight. When serving the lemon cream with condensed milk and cream, we decorate with chopped fruits or berries. A smooth and very good cream. To eat

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