Lemon Carlota recipe with peach

Lemon desserts are one of the most popular dishes among all generations and at all meal times. If you do not plan to go out to eat but you are craving a delicious dessert, although you do not really want to prepare anything complicated, in this article we have the perfect option for you. What do you think of an exquisite lemon peach cake? It is a lemon tart that does not need to undergo any type of cooking, nor does it need exact measurements to make it look good and it is also super easy and accessible. For this lemon and cookie carlota, we will only need a little lemon juice, María cookies that are very cheap, condensed and evaporated milk, which we find in any store or supermarket, and peaches in syrup, that easy.

Then let’s get to work! Join us in this exquisite preparation of a lemon Carlota with peach, you will see that you will want to prepare it right away and you will not regret it.

Ingredients to make lemon Carlota with peach:

  1. 1½ packages of Maria Cookies (300 grams)
  2. 1 can of peaches in syrup
  3. 7 pieces of lemon juice
  4. 1 can of condensed milk
  5. 1 can of evaporated milk

How to make Lemon Carlota with Peach:

  • In the following image you can see the ingredients we use to prepare our lemon Carlota with peach.
  • We put the evaporated milk together with the condensed milk in the blender and then we begin to blend, just a few seconds so that they are very well integrated.
  • Once integrated, we stop the blender and add the juice of the 7 lemons, blend again so that these ingredients are integrated.
  • We mix for only a few seconds and we will observe that our ingredients have become thick, this is exactly the signal that tells us that we are going perfect. We place our thick batter for the carlota cake in a bowl and reserve a moment.
  • On the other hand we take the peaches and slice them finely, as we can see in the image. We reserved for a moment.
  • Now we take the Maria biscuits one by one, soak them with the peach syrup, making sure that they are completely covered with it.
  • Then we take each of the syrup-covered cookies and arrange them in the refractory that we will use as a mold for our peach lemon carlota.
  • On the cookies we also place the slices of peaches.
  • And finally, after the peach layer, we place a layer of the thick shakethat we reserved a moment ago, trying to cover the layer of biscuit and peaches perfectly well. We repeat these steps of the cookie topping and the peach topping until we finish with all our smoothie, taking care that the last layer that we place must be smoothie to finish the lemon carlota and cookies well.
  • Once our torta carlota is ready, cover it with a piece of aluminum foil and place it in the freezer, if possible, overnight so that it has a good solid consistency. Or at least keep it in the freezer for 4 hours.
  • After this time, remove the lemon and biscuit carlotta from the freezer and carefully unmold it.
  • Now yes, we decorate our lemon carlota with peach with a little lemon zest and some slices of peach on top, and we can serve this delicious dessert, exquisite for its sweet flavor and a touch of acidity. Enjoy it!

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