Lemon Carlota recipe with cream cheese

The lemon dessert , also known as lemon charlotte or charlotte in English, is a cake that is characterized by being wrapped in ladybug biscuits that are used to line the mold and thus, once it is curdled, they form a kind of “wall ” that prevents the content of the lemon carlota from coming out.

This quick and easy lemon cake can be made in many ways and with different ingredients, so if you want to make it with a spreadable cheese like Philadelphia, take a look at this step by step that we teach you in this article to make a lemon carlota with cheese cream .

Ingredients to make lemon Carlota with cream cheese:

  1. 1 package of Maria Cookies (200 grams)
  2. 200 milliliters of condensed milk
  3. 100 grams of Philadelphia type cream cheese
  4. 180 milliliters of evaporated milk
  5. 3 lemons
  6. Ladybug biscuits
  7. 1 handful of Blueberries (optional)
  8. Mint

How to make Lemon Charlotte with Cream Cheese:

  • The first step we have to do to prepare this delicious lemon Carlota with cream cheese is to squeeze the lemons and save the juice in a bowl. Don’t throw away the peels because we’ll add some lemon zest to the cake later.
  • Next we will make the filling of the lemon dessert: to do this, mix well in an electric mixer/blender or if you don’t have one, with some rods, the juice of the lemons, the evaporated milk, the condensed milk and the cream cheese, until we have a dense and homogeneous cream left. Now we sprinkle the zest of half a lemon and mix everything again.
  • On the other hand, we take the mold that we want to use to prepare the lemon Carlota, either rectangular or round, and line it with the ladyfingers, trying to cover all the holes well. If we want we can cut one end of the biscuits so that they are flat and can settle better in the mold.
  • Now we take the Maria cookies and place them at the base of the mold to make the first layer of the lemon Carlota.
  • Then we pour a first layer of the mixture that we have beaten on the cookies until we cover them. Then we place another layer of Maria cookies, and then another of the previous mixture, and so on until we finish with the filling of the lemon cake. It has to have a minimum of 4 layers of cookies and 5 of the mixture.
  • Once you have finished assembling the lemon dessert with cream cheese, we cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours so that it takes consistency, although if it is left overnight much better.
  • Once it is consistent, we place a few slices or a little lemon zest, or if you prefer to innovate, add a few blueberries and a few mint leaves on top that combine very well with Philadelphia-type cheese, and we can already taste this exquisite carlota lemon with cream cheese.

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