Legumes with vegetables and rice recipe

This recipe is one of those grandmother’s recipes, traditional cooking, stew cooking, with some variations. Follow step by step and above all, looking at the photos to see how each of the steps should look. This stew of legumes with vegetables and rice with ham and chorizo ​​is a typical winter dish. Enjoy it because it is well worth it.

Ingredients to make legumes with vegetables and rice:

  • 150 grams of chickpeas
  • 100 grams of lentils
  • 50 grams of beans from Segovia
  • 50 grams of auks or red beans
  • 100 grams of brown rice
  • 1 onion and a small minced garlic
  • 1 turnip
  • 1 bunch of Swiss chard
  • 1 potato
  • 1/4 pumpkin
  • Oil
  • Vegetable/meat broth
  • 1 parsnip
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 lady
  • Salt
  • strand saffron
  • Black pepper
  • ham bones
  • 2 plum tomatoes
  • 1 sliced ​​chorizo

How to make legumes with vegetables and rice:

  1. We start the recipe for the legume and vegetable stew by poaching the onion, garlic, carrot and bay leaf in a pot.
  2. When everything is poached, add a chopped Nora and the flacon bones. Go turning until the pork releases its own juice.
  3. Add the two grated pear tomatoes and fry.
  4. The day before the recipe, we put the legumes and brown rice together in a bowl and put them to soak. We change the water a couple of times when we see that they have absorbed it.
  5. Add the legumes to the pot and give them a couple of turns so that they take on the taste of the pork shoulder and the vegetables.
  6. We can add water or vegetable /meat broth. In this case I had already made broth.
  7. We introduce the vegetable broth, the turnip, the chopped parsnip and the chorizo ​​and we have it over low/medium heat for approximately two hours. You have to control and turn every once in a while so that the legumes with vegetables and rice do not stick to the pot.
  8. After two hours we will add the pumpkin, the potato, the cut chard. Let it boil for half an hour more until the stew of legumes and vegetables stays that way.
  9. We can add a splash of raw olive oil, a pinch of pepper and eat. This stew of legumes with vegetables and rice with pork shoulder and chorizo ​​is a real delight and you will see how your family will love it.

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