Leek and cream empanada recipe

This time I propose you some leek and cheese empanadas, some empanadas different from the ones we are used to but I am sure you will like them.

The leek and cream  cheese empanadas are a good appetizer or accompaniment since they are simple to prepare, because with very few ingredients and some empanadilla wafers, we prepare a wonderful dish full of flavor. This filling for dumplings is simple and has leek, cream and cheese, but you can add any other ingredient to this. To your liking

Ingredients to make Leek and Cream Empanada:

  • 1 package of Dumplings
  • 1 unit of leeks
  • 1 package of grated cheese
  • 100 milliliters of liquid cream
  • 1 bottle of mild olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Leek and Cream Empanada:

We prepare the ingredients that we are going to use for the leek and cream dumplings. Next, wash and chop the leeks, discarding the greenest part on top. We put a frying pan with a little oil, and when it is hot we will poach the leek over medium heat, being careful not to burn it. When the leek is well poached and has color we will put the grated cheese, the amount will be the one you want. You can use the one you prefer to make these leek and cheese empanadas, but I prefer a semi-cured cheese. Then we pour the liquid cream little by little into the filling of the homemade vegetable and cheese dumplings. We will be removing all the filling until there is a cream and taste of salt. Turn off and let cool. We prepare the wafers for dumplings on the counter.  We put a tablespoon of filling on each wafer. We close the leek and cheese empanadas and seal the edges with a fork, so that the filling does not come out when frying them. We put a frying pan with a good jet of oil and we will fry the leek and cream dumplings, until they are golden. We put a plate with kitchen paper, as the homemade vegetable dumplings are, we will put them so that they absorb the excess oil. Transfer the leek and cream empanadas to a bowl and they’re ready to eat!

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