Leek and Cheese Empanadas Recipe

The leek or leek is a vegetable whose flavor is similar to that of the onion but a little softer. This vegetable that, in addition to having many beneficial properties for the body due to its high protein content, is widely used for countless dishes in different parts of the world. We will show you in this recipe how to prepare some delicious leek and cheese empanadas that you cannot stop trying.

Ingredients to make Leek and Cheese Empanadas:

  • For the mass
  • 300 grams of flour
  • 60 cubic centimeters of sunflower oil
  • 170 cubic centimeters of water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • For the filling
  • 500 grams of Leeks
  • 200 grams of fresh cheese
  • 50 grams of grated cheese
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Leek and Cheese Empanadas:

1.We ready the ingredients for the Argentine leek and cheese empanadas.

2.To make the dough for the homemade empanadas, place the flour, oil, water, salt and pepper in a bowl.

3.Mix all the ingredients to form a smooth and homogeneous dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest for about 30 minutes.

4.While we let the dough for the leek and cheese empanadas rest, wash the leeks well and cut them into small slices.

5.Take a pan, pour a splash of oil and cook the leek over medium heat, season with salt and pepper. We constantly stir so that it does not stick.

6.Cut the fresh cheese into cubes and add it to the leek, along with the grated cheese.

7.Mix all the ingredients and turn off the heat so that the fresh cheese does not completely melt. In this way we will have the filling for the Argentine empanadas. We booked.

8.On the other hand, we stretch the dough on the counter and cut the tapas for the leek and cheese empanadas.

9.Place a tablespoon of the leek and cheese filling on each empanada lid.

10.Assemble the empanadas in the way you like best. In this case, we made them “envelope” type but if you prefer you can give it a crescent shape. Place them in a baking dish and cook over high heat.

11.Once the empanadas have browned, we remove them and serve them very hot. Don’t stop making these delicious leek and cheese empanadas. Regarding the dough, it is a little more work but it is worth it.


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