Leaf litter cake recipe

The hojarasca cake is quite similar to the millefeuille cake, the differences are mostly in the filling, since the millefeuille only has dulce de leche. On the other hand, the one that we will prepare next intersperses the dulce de leche filling with that of whipped cream or meringue. Chopped walnuts and orange or lemon zest are also usually added to the hojarasca cake recipe to give the cookies a citrus touch.

This leaf litter tastes best when it has rested, as the biscuit absorbs the moisture from the cream and softens. It must also be said that the preparation is meticulous, since you have to take care of the baking times and get your hands dirty to work the dough, but we assure you that all this will be worth it when you try how incredible this cold cake is. For this reason, we invite you to continue reading to learn how to make leaf litter cake in this article.

Ingredients to make Leaf litter cake:

  • for the cookie
  • 400 grams of flour
  • 4 units of yolks
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 1 cup of milk (240 milliliters)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of rum or pisco (optional)
  • 1 unit of orange or lemon zest (optional)
  • For the filling
  • 500 grams of delicacy
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 500 milliliters of milk cream (cream)

How to make Leaf Cake:

  1. Sift the flour together with a large bowl, add the butter and the yolks. Mix until large, smooth lumps remain.
  2. Tip: preheat the oven to 180 °C to save time.
  3. Add the milk little by little and knead. Add milk until you get a smooth, non-sticky dough. You may not use all of it.
  4. Stretch the dough with the help of a rolling pin, leaving it quite thin, approximately 2 millimeters thick.
  5.  Cut circles the size you want to make the cake, keep in mind that if you cut them small it will be taller, while if you cut it large it will have fewer layers.
  6. Bake the cookie layers for 4 or 7 minutes each, this will depend on the power of your oven.
  7.  They should be golden, but not toasted. When you think they’re ready, you can try the dough, it should be firm but not hard. Let them rest until they are completely cold.
  8. While the cookies are resting, begin to beat the milk cream together with the powdered sugar or icing sugar until it gains volume and is a little firmer.
  9. Begin to fill the cookies with delicacy,you can do it in a mold or on top of the presentation plate.
  10. Cover both sides of the first cookie with dulce de leche. This will be the base of our cake, so it will be fixed to the plate and will not move too much when you serve it.
  11. Glue the second cookie on top of the manjar and cover it with the whipped cream.
  12. Intersperse the layers of fillings with the cream and manjar leaving a bit of both ingredients to cover the cake.
  13. Add 2 tablespoons of delicacy to the remaining whipped cream and integrate with encircling movements.
  14. You can pair the edges of the hojarasca cake with delicacy and put whipped cream on top, decorate with chopped nuts or crushed cookie crumbs. Let refrigerate for at least 2 hours before consuming.


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