Lasagna Roll-ups Recipe

Next we teach you how to prepare some delicious lasagna rolls. It is an easy recipe, very similar to that of the typical meat cannelloni. Use the ingredients that you like the most and give your personal touch to this dish that everyone will surely like.

Ingredients to make Lasagna Roll-ups:

  1. 1 package of lasagna pasta
  2. 4 pounds ground beef (chicken, Italian sausage, etc.)
  3. 2 packages of grated mozzarella cheese
  4. 1 can of pasta sauce
  5. 2 sticks of cream cheese or ricotta cheese
  6. 1 tablespoon of various seasonings

How to make Lasagna Roll Ups:

  • To make this original lasagna dish, the first thing you should do is boil the pasta with salt and oil. Remember to check the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Apart, cook the meat with the desired seasonings. To do this, heat a frying pan with a few drops of oil and fry the meat mixing with cumin, oregano, onion, garlic or any other spice you like. Remember that you can use the type of meat you prefer.
  • To assemble thelasagna roll-ups, spread the pasta sheets and spread the cream cheese. When they are all ready, add portions of meat in the center and then roll them into a cylinder. Be careful not to overdo the amount of stuffing so it doesn’t spill out at the ends
  • Place the rolls side by side on a baking sheet, drizzle a layer of tomato sauce on top and a layer of cheese. Cook at 350°C for 20-25 minutes. You can use fried tomato or any pasta sauce such as a Neapolitan sauce or if you like it spicy, an arrabiata sauce.
  • Let rest for a couple of minutes and serve these delicious lasagna rolls. You can accompany them with a few slices of plantain and white rice or a simple green salad.

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