Korean Banderillas Recipe

Learn how to prepare one of the most viral recipes today and par excellence one of the most popular street dishes in the world. Well, we are of course talking about Korean banderillas or corn dogs, this delicious dish is made with sausage and mozzarella cheese, covered with a dough similar to that of hotcakes, but much thicker, in addition, to provide a crunchy texture, no I could miss frying them. In this article, we want you to prepare them at home and it is because we present three different styles of these famous Korean banderillas, it will be the perfect snack for an afternoon with friends or family. If you wonder how to prepare Korean banderillas, read on and learn how to cook Korean banderillas with us!!

Ingredients to make Korean Banderillas:

• 150 milliliters of warm water

• 5 grams of dry yeast

• 2 tablespoons of sugar

• 200 grams of all-purpose wheat flour

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 4 sausages

• 250 grams of mozzarella or manchego cheese in strips or fingers

• 1 potato

• 1 tablespoon of cornstarch

• 1 cup panko breadcrumbs

• Oil

• Flag sticks

How to make Korean Banderillas:

Begin the recipe for Korean banderillas by preparing the dough. First, in a preferably large container, pour the warm water and mix with the dry yeast and the sugar. Dissolve all the ingredients well.

When the yeast and sugar have dissolved, add the wheat flour and mix until you get a homogeneous and slightly sticky and elastic texture. Then, spread it all over the container and cover with a damp cloth. You should let it ferment in a warm place for 20 minutes.

While the dough ferments, peel and chop the potato into small cubes, keep in mind that everything must be of a uniform and small size so that it adheres well to the dough. Then, place the potato in a bowl and add a tablespoon of cornstarch. Mix well and reserve.

Trick: the cornstarch will remove moisture and when frying the potato will be crispier.

Then cut the sausage and cheese, you can cut the sausage in half and complete with cheese, or it can contain just sausage or just cheese. Insert the wooden stick to ¾ of it.  After the rest time of the dough and when you have noticed that it has grown in size, it is time to prepare the banderillas. Choose one and wrap it with the dough turning slowly so that it adheres well. Now you have two options: take the banderilla directly to breading with panko or go through the potato first and then through the panko. The decision will depend on your taste. In a pan or pot with enough hot oil, fry the banderillas for a few seconds, turning them over if necessary to prevent them from burning. In no time you will have your Korean flags ready! When they are fried, let them rest for a few seconds on absorbent paper or on a grid. Then you can sprinkle white sugar and then add your favorite dressings. You already have the Korean corn dog ready!

Korean flags and other ingredients

If I was surprised by the taste of these banderillas, rest assured that you will love them, they have a perfect balance between the flavor of cheese and sausage with the crunch of the dough with potato and panko, and they are simply delicious.

Dare to prepare this recipe, it is one of the simplest to make Korean banderillas, since you must have few ingredients and you can even create your own banderilla by breading it with more toppings such as potato chips, Cheetos or with a little more ingredient sweet, such as grated coconut. There are plenty of options, put aside the boring snacks and prepare this recipe, surprise your children or your friends. To eat!

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