Kombucha Tea

Ingredients to make Kombucha Tea:

  1. 1 liter of filtered water
  2. 1 scabby or kombucha colony
  3. 1 bag of green or black tea
  4. 4 tablespoons of common or refined sugar
  5. 3 tablespoons pasteurized apple cider vinegar
  6. Dried hibiscus to taste (optional)

How to make Kombucha Tea

  • To get the kombucha tea, the first thing we must do is the green tea base, which can also be black or even Jamaican tea. We have opted for a tea bag, but it is also valid to buy the leaves and put them in the infuser. That said, we put the water to boil, add the tea bag, hibiscus to taste, infuse and let cool. The hibiscus is optional.
  • Tip: To prepare green tea correctly and avoid a bitter taste, the water must be at 90 degrees.
  • Then, we strain the tea, mix it with the sugar and vinegar, and transfer this preparation to a glass jug along with the colony of kombucha bacteria. Cover with a thin cloth or paper towel, secure with a rubber band, and let rest for 10 days in a warm, dark place to ferment. Ideally, you would use starter culture instead of vinegar, but since this ingredient is easier to find, we have chosen it for the kombucha tea recipe.
  • Tip: Kombucha cologne can be purchased online or obtained from someone who makes kombucha at home.

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