Kiwi and Strawberry Juice

Ingredients to make Kiwi and strawberry juice:

  1. 6 Kiwi units
  2. 12 tablespoons of Sugar
  3. 1 unit of Lemon
  4. 1 glass of water
  5. 300 grams of strawberries
  6. ½ glass of Grenadine

How to make Kiwi and strawberry juice:

  • Place the strawberries, the juice of half a lemon and 6 tablespoons of sugar in a casserole.
  • Bring the mixture to a simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Let cool, pass through the blender and through the Chinese strainer and reserve in the refrigerator.
  • In a frying pan, reduce the grenadine juice until it forms a caramel.
  • Peel the kiwis and once they have been chopped, place them in the blender glass together with 6 tablespoons of sugar, the glass of water and the juice of half a lemon.
  • Pass through the blender and strain the resulting juice.
  • We put it in the freezer and from time to time we remove the kiwi so that it does not solidify, but rather it remains frosty.
  • Place the reduced grenadine juice on a saucer and a tablespoon of sugar on another.
  • We pass the edge of the glasses through the grenadine juice and then through the sugar.
  • We serve in each glass a good portion of candied kiwi puree and sauce with the strawberry sauce.
  • We serve accompanying the glasses with some straws and with a slice of kiwi and strawberry punctured in each straw.

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